Coach Accreditation Scheme


This program takes a competency based assessment approach. This program is not a learning program whereby inexperienced candidates can work through a syllabus to obtain the skills required of a carriage driving coach.

Candidate Coaches must have considerable carriage driving and horsemanship experience and skills prior to the assessment.

Candidate Coaches will be able to demonstrate these skills to a Coach/assessor(s) in a clinical environment.

ACDS Coaching Scheme – Preamble

The core units of competency are

  1. Plan and prepare a coaching program (carriage driving). Additional Units will be published as they become available.
  2. Ensure safety –self, clients, volunteers, spectators and equines (carriage driving).
  3. Horses – carriage driving.
  4. Harness –carriage driving.
  5. Carriage – carriage driving.
  6. Coach carriage driving skills –singles/multiples.
  7. Implement strategies for performance improvement – carriage driving.
  8. Prepare carriage drivers for competition.


ACDS Coaching Scheme – Application for Candidate Coach
Appointment of Coach Assessors
Federal Coach Accreditation Scheme Appeal Form