
Insurance 2020-2021

19 August 2020

Dear Members

I write to you today on behalf of Federal Council to provide information in regard to the renewal of insurances for the 2020-2021 year.

All of the insurances have been renewed and there has been no changes to the terms of the policies of the Liability policy, PA policy, 24/7 PA policy, Association Liability policy or Travel policy.

The intention of the 24/7 Public Liability policy is to cover a members’ carriage driving activities other than at (i) ACDS sanctioned events (as the normal Public Liability covers sanctioned events), or (ii) events sanctioned by a third party (for example, Agricultural shows, EA activities). It was not the intention that the 24/7 Public Liability insurance replaced the requirement of a member to take out their own personal insurance for their own property.

In the renewal of this policy, there have been some changes clarifying coverage of the 24/7 liability insurance policy by the insurers. This was raised in the last year, where there was claim on the 24/7 policy which was not intended to be covered, however the previous wording was broader than intended.

Federal Council has discussed the insurers’ position with Federal office bearers at the time the insurance companies changed back in 2015. They have conferred and agreed on the intention, and as a result, federal Council have advised the insurer to proceed on this basis.

In addition to the previous comments, COVID-19 has also focussed insurers on policy wording.

The result of the negotiations with the insurance company in respect to the 24/7 liability insurance policy renewal is that the coverage is limited to activities as follows:

• Applies to non-sanctioned ACDS activities. Does not apply to activities sanctioned by another organisations such as an Agricultural Society, EA, etc.

• Coverage is from the time the horse/pony is taken from a paddock to the time it is returned to the paddock and will include carriage driving, lunging, riding for the purpose of training.

As you may be aware, a list of questions and answers in relation to our insurance cover is posted on the ACDS Federal website. These questions and answers have been updated to provide some further information on the insurance policies for 2020-2021.

Yours sincerely

Federal President

Letter to members re 2020-2021 insurance 19-08-2020

50th Anniversary Celebrations Postponed

17 August 2020

Dear Members

I write to you today on behalf of Federal Council to advise that the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Australian Carriage Driving Society Inc have been postponed to Easter 2022 as a result of the coronavirus uncertainties around Australia. As we do not have any clear resolution date for coronavirus, it is difficult for organisers and competitors to plan adequately for the celebrations.

Yours sincerely

Federal President

Postponement of 50th anniversary 17-08-2020

Federal Update

29 June 2020

Dear Members
I write to you today on behalf of Federal Council to provide an update on two important matters. First on how your Society is being managed during this pandemic and second on related decisions your Committee has made on membership subscriptions.

Managing the ACDS As you know Federal Council has the responsibility of managing the ACDS. Federal Council cancelled its face to face meeting in late March 2020 following the announcement it made of the cessation of driving activities. Since that time, Federal Council has been using Zoom to meet and have been meeting fortnightly, so that it can continue to deal with the business of the Society on a regular basis. Obviously the key item on the agenda each fortnight has been COVID-19 and how we have needed to deal with it. Federal Council has found meeting via Zoom on a regular basis has been constructive and has decided to continue with Zoom meetings on a monthly basis and reduce the number of face to face meetings accordingly.

This will be a saving to the Society and allow Federal Council to make decisions on a more timely basis.

To emerge successfully from this pandemic, we need to make sure that our Society stays in a healthy financial state and is ready to return to sport as usual when this is permitted.

Member Subscriptions for 2020-2021
As you know the Society’s membership year runs from August 31 each year.
Following our announcement in mid March 2020 of the cessation of driving activities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, members’ ability to drive has been significantly reduced due to competitions, rallies, etc being cancelled. In light of this, Federal Council has considered whether the Society can offer a subscription discount.

In deliberating on this we have considered the following:

– ACDS membership is not simply a ‘fee for service’ to attend activities. The Society belongs to the members and we are all custodians of the Society for the benefit of all members, current and future. We must therefore consider the affordability of any subscription discount in the context of the Society’s financial position, both as it stands today and as it may evolve in the future.

– Many of our members will be suffering significant financial stress as a result of this crisis, with job losses anticipated to rise further over the coming months. Most of our members treasure their membership and keep it for a lifetime.

– We also know that some members have not been financially impacted by the crisis and have indicated that they want to support the Club and fellow members at this time.

– The annual membership subscription is an amount determined by resolution of the ACDS at the Annual General Meeting. As Federal Council has previously advised, our ability to hold an AGM at the current time is impacted by a number of State borders which are still closed and as such, to hold the AGM would not be appropriate as all members, if they wish to do so, cannot attend the AGM.

-Thus, Federal Council believes it does not have authority to change the fees, even with a proposal to reduce fees.

-We have also considered whether we can provide some relief to members by either changing the renewal date for memberships or allowing the fees to be paid at a later date.

-Our Rules (Constitution) set out the membership year, which concludes on 31 August each year so Federal Council does not have the authority to change that date – that can only be done by a special resolution at a General Meeting.

– Accordingly, Federal Council cannot provide any relief by changing the renewal date.

– The flow on effect of this is that members who do not renew their memberships by 31 August will not enjoy the benefits of membership, and those benefits will only be restated from the date they do re-join.

In considering all these factors, your Committee has decided that there will be no change to the Federal component of the membership fees for 2020-2021.
We hope that all members understand the complex environment in which these decisions were taken. Our overarching aim has been to ensure the financial viability of the Society, while at the same time recognising that some of our members will be suffering financial distress.

Yours sincerely
Federal President

Letter to members 29-06-2020

Announcement Federal Council

27 June 2020

Dear Members
On behalf of Federal Council, I would like to advise the following Federal Council Appointments for 2020-2021:

Federal CDE Convener Phil Marshall
Federal Driven Dressage Convener Cheryl Dowling
Federal Show Driving Convener Jan Muspratt
Federal Pleasure & Endurance Convener Peter Honeyman
Assistant Federal Secretary Sue Waters
Federal Coaching Coordinator Trevor Brand
Federal Journal Managing Editor Brendan Dwyer
Federal Journal Production Editor Chris Milvain
Federal Horse Registrar & Grading Officer Margie Morgan
Federal Web Coordinator Bernadette Lewis
Federal Officials List Coordinator Debra Thompson
Federal Young Driver Coordinator Carol Fitzpatrick
The following positions have not yet been filled:
Federal Historical Convener
Federal Publicity Officer
Federal merchandising Officer
If any members have an interest in these roles, please contact the Federal Secretary.
The following sub-committees have also been finalised:
ACDS-EA Sub-Committee Peter Lee (Chair)
Brendan Dwyer
Bernadette Lewis
ACDS Training & Schools Peter Lee (Chair)
Sub-Committee Trevor Brand
Dot Willcoxson
Peter Harkness
Christine Gibbons
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ACDS Electronic Sub-Committee Peter Lee (Chair)
Bernadette Lewis
Sue Waters
Tom Dowling

Federal Council would like to thank those members who have nominated for the positions for their interest and willingness to work in these roles or on these sub-committees.

Yours faithfully
Federal President

ACDS – FC Appointments 2020-2021

Risk Management guidelines post COVID-19 for all ACDS Activities Update NO 2 Effective 25 June 2020

As the Federal Government and State Governments commence to relax restrictions on social gatherings, Federal Council have set out the following rules for all ACDS activities, including organised driving activities and rallies, i.e. any activity that requires a Club to minute an activity.
The purpose of the rules is to ensure that the activities are conducted within government guidelines and to ensure the health and safety of members and any other persons at ACDS activities. In preparing the risk management rules, Federal Council is conscious that the age demographic of the ACDS means that many members are in the high risk area.
It is the responsibility of State Branches, Clubs and organising committees to enforce these rules.

Members are required to conduct themselves (and request their grooms) to not only uphold the rules, but also the spirit of the rules, to ensure the health and safety of all participants and volunteers.
The rules are as follows:

  1. Social gathering limitations are to be observed as pronounced in your State from time to time. It is important to be aware of the different limitations for indoor and outdoor
    activities. It is the responsibility of the organising committee to ensure that the total number of drivers, grooms and officials at the activity location do not exceed the relevant social gathering limitations. For this purpose, event organisers should require attendee’s to register (including the number of grooms attending) to attend the activity. The event organisers should adopt an “arrive, compete, leave” approach
    for the activity.
  2. Social distancing, as set out in commentary from governments and medical authorities advising governments, must be observed.
  3. Notices of social distancing are to be clearly displayed on activity schedules and around the location of the activity.
  4. Clubs and members should check with the operators of the venue such as Local Shire, Local Council, government department, management committee’ to ensure the venue is open for activities. This should include other user groups to ensure social gathering limitations are observed by all.
    Risk Management Guidelines Post Covid-19 For All ACDS Activities – Update 2 – 25 June 2020
  5. All persons at the activity must complete the Bio-Security Form. The form should be attached to an activity schedule (or sent to participants prior to the activity) in order for participants to be familiar with the requirement to complete the form. If the participant does not complete the form, they are to be requested to leave the location immediately. For the purpose of this form, participants are defined as
    activity organisers and officials, drivers, grooms and visitors. This form is to be retained by the Event Organiser.
  6. The ACDS recommends that all persons attending an activity download the COVID-19 App so that in the event that another person attending the activity is subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19, medical authorities can contact other attendees.
  7. Organising committees are to ensure that toilet blocks, canteens, clubrooms are cleaned pre and post activity and during the activity if necessary. Appropriate signage in relation to the washing of hands should be displayed.
  8. Equipment being used for the activity should be cleaned pre and post activity and during the activity if appropriate.

ACDS COVID-19 Risk Mgt Guidelines update 2 – 25-06-2020

ACDS COVID-19 Risk Mgt Guidelines update 2 – 25-06-2020 Clean version

ANNOUNCEMENT 2020 Australian CDE Championships, Dressage Championships and Showdriving Championships

22 June 2020

Dear Members
Federal Council would like to advise that following discussions with the Organising Committee’s and relevant State Branches of the 2020 Australian CDE Championships, 2020 Australian Dressage Championships and 2020 Australian Showdriving Championships, these Championships have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions.

Yours sincerely
Federal President

Announcement re 2020 National Championships



6 June 2020

Dear Members
Federal Council has been asked whether Competitions and Park Drives can take place.
On 16 May 2020, Federal Council advised that as part of the easing of restrictions on activities, Clubs could organise Club Rallies.
Federal Council has not eased any further restrictions at the current time.
As a result, the answer to the question that has been asked is that no Competitions or Park Drives can take place at the current time.

Federal President

Questions re Activities 6 June 2020


As the Federal Government and State Governments commence to relax restrictions on social gatherings, Federal Council have set out the following rules for all ACDS activities, including organised driving activities and rallies, i.e. any activity that requires a Club to minute an activity.
The purpose of the rules is to ensure that the activities are conducted within government guidelines and to ensure the health and safety of members and any other persons at ACDS activities. In preparing the risk management rules, Federal Council is conscious that the age demographic of the ACDS means that many members are in the high risk area.
It is the responsibility of State Branches, Clubs and organising committees to enforce these rules.

Members are required to conduct themselves (and request their grooms) to not only uphold the rules, but also the spirit of the rules, to ensure the health and safety of all participants and volunteers.
The rules are as follows:

  1. Social gathering limitations are to be observed as pronounced in your State from time to time. It is important to be aware of the different limitations for indoor and outdoor activities. It is the responsibility of the organising committee to ensure that the total number of drivers, grooms and officials at the activity location do not exceed the
    relevant social gathering limitations. For this purpose, event organisers should require attendee’s to register (including the number of grooms attending) to attend the activity. The event organisers should adopt an “arrive, compete, leave” approach for the activity.
  2. Social distancing, as set out in commentary from governments and medical authorities advising governments, must be observed. This will include social distancing on a carriage which means in most cases, a carriage will not be able to include both a driver and groom. The only exception is family members on a carriage.
  3. Notices of social distancing are to be clearly displayed on activity schedules and around the location of the activity.
  4. Clubs and members should check with the operators of the venue such as Local Shire, Local Council, government department, management committee’ to ensure the Risk Management Guidelines Post Covid-19 For All ACDS Activities – Version 1.0 – 17 May 2020
    venue is open for activities. This should include other user groups to ensure social gathering limitations are observed by all.
  5. All persons at the activity must complete the Bio-Security Form. The form should be attached to an activity schedule (or sent to participants prior to the activity) in order for participants to be familiar with the requirement to complete the form. If the participant does not complete the form, they are to be requested to leave the location immediately. For the purpose of this form, participants are defined as
    activity organisers and officials, drivers and grooms. This form is to be retained by the Event Organiser.
  6. The ACDS recommends that all persons attending an activity download the COVID-19 App so that in the event that another person attending the activity is subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19, medical authorities can contact other attendees.
  7. No canteens or similar are allowed at activities.
  8. Clubrooms should not be open during activities.
  9. Organising committees are to ensure that toilet blocks are cleaned pre and post activity and during the activity if necessary. Appropriate signage in relation to the washing of hands should be displayed.
  10. Subject to the relevant State laws and Guidelines, overnight stays are permitted other than for members who have been involved in the current days activities.
  11. No indoor events are to be run.
  12. Equipment being used for the activity should be cleaned pre and post activity and during the activity if appropriate.

COVID-19 Risk Mgt Guidelines update 1 – 01-06-2020