
Members Sessions

Dear Members
From 22 to 25 June 2021, the Federal Convenors for Pleasure and Endurance, Show Driving,
Dressage and CDE will be hosting sessions on each of their respective areas of responsibility.
The sessions are as follows:
Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 8pm EST – Pleasure & Endurance
Topics to be covered:
 Ruffy enduro 2021 – Presented by David Cockroft and Zander McGuire (Victoria)
 OzTrek – Presented by Nicole Linic (Victoria)
 Activities for Club Days and Activities Manual –
Presented by Peter Honeyman (Federal P&E Convenor)
Wednesday 23 June 2021 at 8pm EST – Show Driving
Topics to be covered:
 Training and preparing the Light Harness Horse for Showing – Presented by Lex and
Jan Young (Queensland)
 Training and preparing the Business and Delivery horse for Showing – Presented by
Carolyn and Amanda Blakeley (NSW)
 Maintaining and preparing a Turnout for a Show – Presented by Max Pearce (NSW)
 ACDS Show Judge Assessment/Show Driving Handbook Updates –
Presented by Janet Muspratt (Federal Show Convenor)
Thursday 24 June 2021 at 8pm EST – Dressage
Topics to be covered:
 The foundations of dressage –
Presented by Cheryl Dowling (Federal Dressage Convenor)
Friday 25 June 2021 at 8pm EST – CDE
Topics to be covered:
 Prince Phillip
 Biting
 Safety in harnessing and unharnessing

All sessions will be one (1) hour in duration.
Access information for members for these Zoom sessions are in the members only section of
the Federal website. Please do not share those details on public forums as these sessions
are for members only.
Federal President


Dear Members,

The 2021 AGM will be an online meeting which will be held on Sunday 27 June 2021 at 11am EST.
Federal Council has appointed Vero Voting to assist with running the annual general meeting this year and to control the voting process.
You will receive correspondence from Vero Voting shortly, either by email or in the mail.
For family memberships, each member will receive separate correspondence. If we only have one email address for a family membership, both sets of correspondence will go to that email address.
This is important correspondence and please read it carefully.
The correspondence will outline how you log into the Vero Voting platform so that you can advise whether you will attend the AGM online or not.
The platform will give you the ability to vote prior to the meeting or how you appoint a proxy if you are unable to attend.
For those who attend the online meeting, voting will continue throughout the meeting on a resolution by resolution basis.
The same platform will enable you to ask questions and receive answers.
All documentation for the meeting will be available on this platform as well as on the Federal website.

Federal President

Members notice

Members Resources

Save the dates!

Your Pleasure and Endurance, Showing, Dressage and CDE Convenors with their committees are organising a members session each.

One each night from 22/6 to the 25/6 8:00pm EST
Get your nibbles and a glass of wine / cup of tea ready for 4 nights in!

More info on how to log etc will be coming out soon.

I wish to thank everyone that is helping to pull these sessions together.

Nominations for Federal Office Bearer Positions – 2021-2022

Federal Council would like to advise that at the closing date for the receipt of nominations for Federal Office Bearer Positions for 2021-2022, the following nominations have been received:
Federal President – Dot Willcoxson
Federal Vice President – Kate Whologan
Federal Secretary – Tom Dowling
As there was only one nomination for these positions, Dot, Kate and Tom will be automatically elected at the annual general meeting.
No nomination was received for the position of Federal Treasurer.

Wanted – 1988 Bicentenary Photos

Hi Everyone, I’m putting a call out to anyone who may have photos from the 1988 Bicentenary Driving Event in Canberra – I’m looking for high quality images suitable for reproduction in the Journal.
Happy to accept high-res scans by email or I can organise to copy prints and return them to you.
Please email me at if you think you might have something suitable.

Thanks! Brendon Dwyer

Calling for Executive Position Nominations

Hello all,
As per Rule 16 of the ACDS Rules, nominations for the Executive Positions of the ACDS Federal Council are to be received by the Federal Secretary by 15 April each year.
Nominations for 2021 – 2022 Executive Positions are to be received by 15 April 2021, with a short resume of 300 words.  Nominations and resumes are to be placed in the June edition of the ACDS Journal.
The Nomination Form and Position Descriptions are available on the Members Resources tab or from your Club or State Secretaries in your States.
Tom Dowling
ACDS Federal Secretary 
(edited by Webco to suit Website publication)

AGM Registration date extended

29 September 2020

Dear Members,

Annual General Meeting Registration Federal Council set the date for registration to attend the Annual General Meeting as 30 September 2020 and you will note that the covering letter I wrote to you and the Notice of Annual General Meeting were both dated 26 August 2020.

This correspondence was sent to the printer the next day.
There were delays at both the printers and through the delivery of mail and Federal Council are aware that members have only received the documentation for the meeting over the past week.

Accordingly, Federal Council has extended the date to register to attend the Annual General Meeting to 15 October 2020. All other dates remain unchanged.

Yours sincerely

Federal President

PDF 29-09-2020