
CDE Update

There have been a couple of rules updated. The requirements for horse inspections (trot up) at events and vehicle requirements for VSE’s

Have a read here or under the CDE tab


AGM-Vero Voting

A quick Federal Council update. Just to advise members that all the material for the AGM (and there is a lot) is ready to be submitted to Vero Voting for the electronic voting. There are about 40 members who require a hard copy of the paperwork and that will be mailed tomorrow. Federal Council had a face-to-face meeting in Melbourne yesterday and we had a big agenda of 30 items to discuss. It was a collaborative meeting and many decisions were made to the benefit of the Society and its members.

Unfortunately due to Tom Dowling, our very hardworking Federal Secretary being in Covid isolation, Tom had to join the meeting via Zoom. Thanks to Tom’s organisational skills, the large number of agenda papers were provided to Councillors prior to the meeting.

Thank you Tom for the enormous amount of time and effort you put into ensuring the governance of the ACDS and the decisions of Federal Council are adhered to. I hope all members take the opportunity to vote for the ‘constitutional’ changes and carefully consider who you vote for on 3 July.

Thank you, Dot Willcoxson, Federal President

Update – Vero Voting has been sent, if you have not received it please check your junk folders.
Please stand by, voting for Council Position candidates is under investigation.

Federal Council Position Nominations

For Federal Vice President
Tracey Ellis
Debra Fuller
Peter Smith
For Federal Secretary
Tom Dowling
Alexander McGuire

All resume’s are available in our Members Section


Council appointed positions

To Members
Please be aware that nominations for the following Council appointed positions are due by Wednesday, 1 June 2022:

Federal Discipline Convenor

  • CDE
  • Driven Dressage
  • Pleasure and Endurance
  • Historical
  • Show Driving

 Federal Council Appointments

  • Assistant Federal Secretary
  • Horse Registrar
  • Horse Grading Officer
  • Journal Managing Editor
  • Coaching Coordinator
  • Website Coordinator
  • Young Driver Coordinator
  • Publicity Officer
  • Officials List Coordinator
  • Public Officer for Incorporation (must be a resident of the ACT)
  • New Member Liaison Officer
  • Training Schools Coordinator

 ACDS Sub-committee

  • ACDS-EA Subcommittee
  • ACDS Training & Schools Subcommittee
  • ACDS Electronic Media Subcommittee

The Nomination Form is attached in both Word and .pdf format.  E-Signature may be used.
Returns to the Federal Secretary by 1 June 2022 please.
Thank You

Tom Dowling
ACDS Federal Secretary 
0428 957 052

Nomination Form – Council Appointment 22-23 doc Nomination Form – Council Appointment 22-23 pdf

Rules or Constitution?

The ACDS approached Access Canberra in regard to our Rules and advice received was that if a full review of the Rules had not been conducted over the last ten years, then it should be done.
Feedback received from previous Federal Council members and ACDS members has been considered and a Draft version of the Rules has been produced.  This Draft has been reviewed independently and by members of the Federal Council and is now ready for sending to members for review and comment.
Attached is the Draft Rules and we are looking for feedback please.  Cut off date for this is Sunday 15 May 2022.
Feedback to the Federal Secretary, Tom Dowling, on, or call on 0428 957 052 if you need some clarification of changes.

Tom Dowling
ACDS Federal Secretary 
0428 957 052

Constitution Draft Mark Up V3.0


The 2022 ACDS AGM is to be conducted on Sunday 3 July 2022, via Zoom, commencing at 10:30 am AEST.
Essentially, voting will be conducted electronically and provision will be made for postal voting for those that do not have an email address and proxy voting if necessary.
More details will be sent soon.
Thank  You

Tom Dowling
ACDS Federal Secretary 
0428 957 052

ACDS 50th Anniversary commemorative gifts.

ACDS members are gradually receiving their 50th Anniversary gifts. I would like to thank Bernadette Lewis for the original idea and for working with Zilco – Equestrian Products to produce the gifts. There was a small team that worked out the design of the packaging led by Lyn Callaghan (Scribblegum Design & Print) and a working bee helped package them. Lyn and the Young Post Office ensured they will reach our members.
Thank you Bernie, Kate, Lyn, David from Zilco and all our helpers .
ACDS commemorative gifts. Family memberships will receive their second gift within two weeks. There will be additional bridle rosettes available for purchase. Payment will be directly into an ACDS account. Details will be provided when we know how many will be available. Please pm me if you wish to purchase more rosettes, they can then be set aside.
Dot Willcoxson